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Distributions with Fixed Marginals.
Toimetaja Tõnu Kollo.
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A. (2009). Estimating ruin probabilities in the Cramér-Lundberg model with
heavy-tailed claims. Dissertationes Mathematicae Universitatis Tartuensis. (Doktoritöö, Tartu Ülikooli Matemaatilise
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Annals of Probability, 37(3), 1192 - 1235.
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18th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics 2009; Smolenice Castle,
Slovak Republic; June 23 – 27, 2009. (Toim.) Viktor Witkovský, Júlia
Volaufová., 2009, 23 - 23.
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N. (2009). Synthetic estimator for domains. In: Proceedings of the
Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Summer School on Survey Statistics:
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K.; Kaasik, A. (2009). On empirical estimation of ruin probabilities using
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K. Saateks. Kvaliteedistatistika ja statistika kvaliteet. Eesti
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kvaliteet. Eesti Statistikaseltsi Teabevihik 19. Tallinn, 2009, lk. 31-36.
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K.; Kaasik, P.; Pehme, A.; Aru, M.; Parring, A-M.; Selart, A.; Seene, T.
(2009). Physiological role of myosin light and heavy chain isoforms in fast-
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„Rahvastik“. Rahvuste Tallinn, koostaja Tiina Raitviir, Tallinn, 2009, lk 82.
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E.-M.; Vähi, M. (2009). Migration flows of Estonians during the last century.
XXXVI IUSSP International Population Conference. Marrakech, Morocco;
27.09.-02.10.2009, http://iussp2009.princeton.edu/download.aspx?submissionId=92498
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E.-M.; K. Kaarna. (2009). Rahva- ja eluruumide loenduse kvaliteedist. Eesti
Statistikaseltsi Teabevihik nr 19, (21 –
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E.-M. Statistikud TÜ Arvutuskeskuses. Uba, P. (Toim.). Pool sajandit arvutit
Tartu Ülikoolis (65-71). Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus
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Lauristin, Marju (Toim.). Estonian Human Development Report (26 - 29). Tallinn:
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I. (2009). Book Review of the Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method, 2nd ed.,
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I., Sarndal, C.-E. (2009) Domain estimators calibrated on information from
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K.; Traat, I. (2009). Optimal domain estimation under summation restriction.
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M.; Tiit, E.-M. (2009). Changes in family creation strategies and birth rates
in Europe during two generations. XXXVI IUSSP International Population
Conference. Marrakech, Morocco; 27.09.-02.10.2009., http://iussp2009.princeton.edu/download.aspx?submissionId=92026.
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Research, 29(6), 405 - 413.
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de Mathematica, 12, Special Issue of the Proceedings of VIII
Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics ja VI Conference
on Multivariate Distributions with Fixed Marginals. Toimetaja
Tõnu Kollo.
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Issue of the Proceedings of VIII Tartu Conference on Multivariate
Statistics ja VI Conference on Multivariate Distributions with
Fixed Marginals. Guest Editor: Tõnu Kollo, 23 artiklit
koos lõplike retsensioonidega saadetud ajakirja toimetusele.
- Aru, J. (2008). Influence of informative sampling on covariance
between variables. In: Baltic-Nordic Workshop on Survey Sampling
Theory and Methodology August 25-29, 2008, Kuressaare, Staistics
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Science & Finance on Samos: Welcome on Samos, 4 - 7 September
2008; Karlovassi, Greece, 14-15.
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tail distribution. Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis
de Mathematica, 12, 79-87.
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99, 2328-2338.
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In: 22nd Nordic Conference on Mathematical Statistics (NORDSTAT).
Vilnius, Lithuania 16-19.06.2008. Abstract Book, 34.
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O., Pärna, K. (2008). Development of a breeding objective
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and Empirical Findings (2007). Ed: Marja Vaarama, Richard Pieper,
Andrew Sixsmith. Springer.
Chapters: Ch 2. M. Vaarama, E.-M. Tiit, S. Muurinen, R. Pieper,
K. Saks, A. Sixsmith, M. Hammond. Instrumentation of Care Keys
Research, pp 19-44. Ch 3. E.-M. Tiit, K. Saks, M. Vaarama. Care
Keys Data and Statistical Methods, pp 45-64. Ch 9. K. Saks, E.-M.
Tiit, S. Muurinen, S. Mukkila, M. Frommelt, M. Hammond. Quality
of Life in Institutional Care, pp 196-216. Ch. 7. K. Saks, E.-M.
Tiit. Subjective Quality of Life of Care-Dependent Older People
in Five European Union Countries, pp 153-67. Ch.8. M. Vaarama,
E.-M. Tiit. Quality of Life of Older Home-care Clients, pp 168-195.
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O., Pärna, K. (2007). Development of a breeding objective
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16, 212-221.
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with a Kronecker Product Covariance Structure: Estimation and
Testing. Research Report/Centre of Biostochastics, Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences, 7, 1-28.
- Sõstra, K. (2007). Restriction Estimator for Domains.
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University Press, 104 lk.
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Behavior of World Population. Proceedings of ISI 56th Session,
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1/2007. Eesti Pank, 55-72.
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on Multivariate Distributions with Fixed Marginals. Absatracts,
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45– 55.
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sisseastumiseksamite alusel. – Tartu Ülikooli 1997.
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- Tiit, E.-M., Käärik, E.
Leibkondade vaesuse taseme määramisest tänapäeva
Eestis. – Eesti Statistikaseltsi Teabevihik, 10,
Majandus- ja kindlustusstatistika, 128–135.
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Eesti Statistikaselts, Tartu, 154 lk.
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E.-M. Tiit.Tartu, 28 lk.
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Teabevihik No 10. Toimetaja E.-M. Tiit.
Tartu Ülikooli kirjastus, Tartu, 167 lk.
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treatment compliance in a placebo-controlled trial: regression
with unpaired data. - Applied Statistics, 1997, 46, 351– 364.
- Kaarma, H., Salundi, U., Koskel, S. Body
build structure of neonats. -International Journal of Anthropology,
1997 ,12, 2, 21– 28.
- Kaarma, H., Saluvere, K., Saluste, L., Koskel, S.
Application of a 5-class classification of height and
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schoolgirls. In: Papers on Anthropology VII. Proceedings of the
8th Tartu International Anthropological Conference. October 12– 16, Tartu, 1997, 160– 173.
- Kollo, T., Neudecker, H. Asymptotics of
Pearson-Hotelling principal component vectors of sample variance
and correlation matrices. -Behaviormetrika,1997, 24, 51– 69.
- Kollo, T., Neudecker, H. The derivative
of an orthogonal matrix of eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix.
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 1997, 264, 489–
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moments: some problems of representation. In: Distributions with
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16, Tartu, 1997, 222–
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Biotheoretica 23). Estonian Academy of Sciences Press, 1997,
37– 45 (in Estonian).
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Canadian Journal of Botany, 1996, 75, 108–
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E. Basic Course of Statistics. Tartu Univ. Press, Tartu,
1997, 405 pp (in Estonian).
- Pärna, K., Viiart, A. Algorithm for
finding optimal circles to cover n points on plane. In: Proceedings
of the Tartu Conference on Computational Statistics & Statistical
Education. Tartu, 1997, Ed. E.-M. Tiit, 154–
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VII. Proceedings of the 8th Tartu International Anthropological
Conference. October 12–
16, Tartu, 1997, 301–
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asymptotic distribution of the sample correlation coefficient.
In: Proceedings of the Tartu Conference on Computational Statistics
& Statistical Education. Tartu, 1997. Ed. E.-M. Tiit.,140– 147.
- Tiit E.-M. The Estonian Statistical Society. - ISI
Annual Report on International Statistics. Vol 4, 1997. Voorburg,
- Tiit E.-M., Viirsalu H.-L. Investigation of multivariate
dependence structure using extremal correlation matrices. In:
Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. Istanbul,
1997, 65–66.
- Tiit E.-M. Round Table. Teaching statistics in medical
faculty. In: Bulletin of Estonian Statistical Society, No 9,
(Medical Statistics and Registers), Tartu, 1997, 89–90 (in
- Tiit E.-M. Using data received from different surveys
to evaluate social processes in Estonia for last 30 years. In:
IASS/IOSS Satellite Meeting on Longitudinal Studies, Jerusalem,
27–31 August, 1997, 1 p. Abstracts.
- Tiit E.-M., Möls M. Basic Course of Applied Statistics.
Tartu, 1997, 144 pp (in Estonian).
- Traat, I., Inno, J. Probability Sampling.
Tartu Univ. Press, Tartu, 1997, 211 pp (in Estonian).
- Traat, I. Sampling design as a multivariate
distribution. - Research Report No. 17, Umeå
University, Umeå , 1997,
13 pp.
- Lember, J. On the restoration of distribution
function. - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences,
Physics and Mathematics, 1996, 45, 213, 250-258.
- Koll, T. On the Existence of Lambda-type
Random Polygonal Models. - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy
of Sciences, Physics and Mathematics, 1996, 45, 2/3, 242– 249.
- Kollo, T., Neudecker, H. Asymptotics of
eigenvalue-normed eigenvectors of sample variance and correlation
matrices. - Multidimensional Statistical Analysis and Theory
of Random Matrices. Proceedings of the Sixth Eugene Lukacs Symposium.
Utrecht, Bowling Green, OH, USA: Eds. A. K. Gupta and V. L. Girko,
VSP, 1996, 111– 128.
- Kollo, T., von Rosen, D. Formal density
expansions via multivariate mixtures. - Multidimensional Statistical
Analysis and Theory of Random Matrices. Proceedings of the Sixth
Eugene Lukacs Symposium. Utrecht, Bowling Green, OH, USA: Eds.
A. K. Gupta and V. L. Girko, VSP, 1996, 129–
- Rõkunova, O., Parring, A.-M. The
Asymptotic Distribution of the Sample Correlation Coefficient.
- Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Physics and
Mathematics, 1996, 45, 259–
- Tiit E.-M. Estimation of Factors Influencing the Results
of Estonian Family Budget Survey. - Suomen Tilastoseuran Vuosikirja.
Helsinki: 1996, 169 - 170.
- Tiit E.-M. Mixtures of Multivariate quasi-extremal
distributions having fixed marginals. - Lecture Notes-Monograph
Series of the IMS. Distributions with Fixed Marginals and Related
Topics, Ed-s: L. Rüschendorf , B. Schweizer and M. D. Taylor,
1996, 28, 337 - 357.
- Tiit E.-M., Helemäe H.-L. Multivariate Minimal
Distributions. - Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences,
Physics and Mathematics, 1996, 45, 4, 317-322.
- Tiit E.-M., Käärik E. Generation and Investigation
of Multivariate Distributions having Fixed Discrete Marginals.
- Proceedings in Computational Statistics COMPSTAT 1996, Physica-Verlag,
Ed. A. Prat, 471 - 476.
- Traat I., Tiit E.-M. Estonian Household Survey –
Sources of Errors and Means to Guarantee its Quality. - Helsinki:
Suomen Tilastoseuran Vuosikirja, 1996, 143 - 154.
- Tiit E.-M. Current Housing Conditions and Creation
of Dwelling's Market in Estonia. - SCORUS, 1996, 9, 3-15.
- Tiit E.-M. On the Population Projection. - Bulletin
of Estonian Statistical Society, 1995, 5, 5 - 23.
- Tiit E.-M. The Problems and Trends of Applied Statistics.
- Bulletin of Estonian Statistical Society, 1995, 6, 7
- 19.
- Tiit E.-M. The preliminary Comparison of Surveys Carried
out By EMOR and ESO. - Bulletin of Estonian Statistical
Society , 1996, 7, 101 - 108.
- Kaarma H., Tiit E.-M. Arstide täienduskoolitus
meditsiinilis-antropomeetriliste andmete statistilise analüüsi
alal. - Eesti Arstide Liidu infoleht , 1996, 10, 10 -11.
- Tiit E.-M. The Estonian Statistical Society. - Annual
Report on International Statistics, 1995, 2, 70.
- Tiit E.-M. Statistika tegemine ja statistika õpetamine
Eestis. - Eesti Statistikaameti infoleht, 1996,25.
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of ipratropium and clenbuterol generated by equipment suitable
for the inhalation of drugs by calves. - Research of Veterinary
Science., 1995, 59, 164–
- Hiob, K. Mathematical statistics: Basic
Course. - Tallinn: AVITA, 1995, 140 pp (in Estonian).
- Kollo, T., von Rosen, D. Multivariate minimal
moments. - Symposia Gaussiana. Proceedings of 2nd Gauss Symposium,
Munich, Germany, 1993, Conference B:Statistical Sciences., Berlin,
1995, 15– 23.
- Kollo, T., von Rosen, D. Minimal moments
and cumulants of symmetric matrices:An Application to the Wishart
distribution. - J. Multivar. Anal., 1995, 55, 2, 149-164.
- Kollo, T., von Rosen, D. Approximating by
the Wishart distribution. - Ann. Inst. Stat. Math., 1995, 47,
4, 767– 783.
- Käärik, E.,Tiit, E.-M. Arrays of Multivariate
Statistics and Their Representation. - New Trends of Probability
and Statistics: Multivariate Statistics and Matrices in Statistics.,
Vilnius, Utrecht, Tokyo.: VSP-TEV, 1995, 3, 313-324
- Parring, A.-M. The asymptotic distribution
of regression parameters. - MODA4-Advances in Model-Oriented
Data Analysis.Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop in
Spetses., Spetses: Physica-Verlag, 1995, 205–
212 -( MODA ).
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of k-centres. - Multivariate Statistics and Matrices in Statistics.,
Vilnius: TEV-VSP, 1995, 3, 267–
278 -( New Trends in Probabilty and Statistics. ).
- Rääbis, A. STATKOOL 2.0. User's Manual.
Tallinn, AVITA, 1995.
- Tiit, E.-M. Discussion on paper of C.M. Cuadras 'Increasing
the correlations with the response variable may not increase
the coefficient of determination: A PCA interpretation'. - Multivariate
statistics and matrices in statistics., Vilnius: TEV-VSP, 1995,
3, 85-92 -( New Trends in Probability and Statistics.
- Tiit, E.-M. Current housing conditions and creating
of housing market in Estonia. - Cities and Regions., Helsinki,
- Tiit, E.-M. Jaotuste segude kasutamine mitmemõõtmelise
jaotuste konstrueerimisel ja genereerimisel. - EMS Aastaraamat
1991., Tartu: TÜ, 1995, 22-39
- Tiit, E.-M., Helemäe H.-L. Multivariate Minimal
Distributions. - Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences,
Tallinn: Eesti TA, 1995
- Tiit, E.-M. Eesti rahvastik demograafi pilgu läbi.
- Eesti tulevikusuundumused., Tartu: TÜ, 1995, 33-58
- Tiit, E.-M. Üks üldkogum, mitu valimit-
mida neist võib välja lugeda? - Eesti Statistika.,
Tallinn: ESA, 1995, 10(46), 99-107
- Tiit, E.-M. The Estonian Statistical Society (ESS).
- Annual Report on International Statistics., Voorburg: ISI,
1995, 2, 72
- Tiit, E.-M. A.Humala käsikirjaline pärand
IV.ENSV TA Füüsika, Matemaatika ja Mehaanika Instituudi
direktor. - EMS Aastaraamat 1991., Tartu: TÜ, 1995, 64-78
- Tiit, E.-M. Mixtures of Multivariate Quasi-Extremal
Distributions Having Given Marginals. / Ed. M. Taylor - 1995,
22 pp. -( IMS Lecture Notes - Monograph Series )
- Tiit, E.-M. Tõenäosusteooria lühikursus.
- Tallinn: AVITA, 1995, 134 pp.
- Tiit, E.-M. Basic Course of Probability. Tallinn,
AVITA, 1995, 134 pp (in Estonian).
- Traat, I. On the Cornish-Fisher expansion
in Finite Population. - Multivariate statistics and matrices
in statistics., Vilnius: TEV-VSP, 1995, 3, 35–
41 -( New Trends in Probability and Statistics).
- Vilismäe, J. Getting Started with SYSTAT Statistical
Package. Tartu, 1995, 223 pp (in Estonian).
- Koll, T. An example of uniform strong laws
of random lines - Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis,
Tartu, 1994, 968, 5–
- Kollo, T. A note on patterned matrices with
applications in multivariate analysis. - Acta et Commentationes
Universitatis Tartuensis, Tartu, 1994, 968, 17–
- Möls, T., Parring, A.-M. Use of absorption
in environmental studies. - Acta et Commentationes Universitatis
Tartuensis, 1994, 968, 29–
- Pärna, K., Kulu, A. Correspondence
analysis as a method for depicting qualitative data. - Acta et
Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis, 1994, 968, 41–
- Tiit, E.-M. Mixture of extremal distributions
-- a model, alternative to log-linera model. - Probability Theory
and Mathematical Statistics. Proceedings of the 6th Vilnius Conference.
, Vilnius, 1994, 703-714
- Tiit, E.-M. An alternative pprocedure to
factor analysis. - The 15th Nordic Conference on Mathematical
Statistics, Lund, 1994
- Tiit, E.-M. Matemaatilise statistika õpetamisest
koolis. - ESS Teabevihik , Tartu, 1994, 4, 5-12
- Tiit, E.-M. The Decomposition of correlation
matrix of anthropometrical data. - International Conference'Somatotypes
of Children, II', Tartu, 1994, 56-59
- Tiit, E.-M., Tammet, S. Using index-vectors
and partitions in multivariate analysis. - Acta et Commentationes
Universitatis Tartuensis, Tartu, 1994, 968, 55-75
- Tiit, E.-M., Thetloff , M. Convex combinations
of extremal correlation matrices. An application in anthropometrical
research. - Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis,
1994, 968, 77-97
- Tiit, E.-M. The 5th Tartu Conference on
Multivariate Statistics. - ISI Newsletter, 1994, 18, 1(52), 8
- Tiit, E.-M. The papers concerning probability
theory in Edgar Krahn’s heritage. - Edgar Krahn 1894-1961.,
Amsterdam, IOS Press, 1994, 113-127
- Ehasalu, E., Tiit, E.-M. Factor and Canonic Analyses
with the Help of SAS-system. Tartu, 1993, 1–93
(in Estonian).
- Kollo, T., Neudecker, H. Asymptotics of
eigenvalues and unit-length eigenvectors of sample variance and
correlation matrices.-J. Multivariate Anal., 1993, 47, 283–300.
- Möls, T. Statistical estimation of
molecular phylogenetic trees. In: Lectures in Theoretical Biology,
The Second Stage (eds. K. Kull & T. Tiivel). Estonian Academy
of Sciences, Tallinn, 1993, 110–121.
- Parring, A.-M., Koskel, S., Vilismäe, J.
Introduction to SAS-system. Tartu, 1993, 1–151
(in Estonian).
- Pärna, K. Correspondence Analysis:
an overview and some applications. Stockholm University, Research
Report 1993:7, 40 pp
- Tiit, E. Estonian population and its problems.-
Akadeemia, 1993, pp. 1654–1679,
1847–1866, 2112–2132 (in Estonian).
- Tiit, E.-M. The principal question of Estonian
population-do we survive? In: Problems of Security and Continuity
of Estonian people. Tallinn, 1993, 19 pp (in Estonian).
- Tiit, E.-M. Statistics and Mathematical
Statistics in Estonia.-Qvartilen, 1993, 1, 5–